Ear Wax Removal
Earwax, or cerumen, is a waxy oil-like substance naturally produced by your ears to help trap dust, debris, microorganisms and other
foreign particles. It protects the ear canal and ear drum from irritation and infection. Some people produce more wax than others due to
age, frequent use of earphones, ear plugs, or hearing aid wear, or if your ears are narrow or very bendy. Wax build-up may be present in
just one ear.
Ear wax can easily become impacted in the ear canal causing pain, loss of hearing, balance issues and hearing aid feedback (whistling).
It is strongly discouraged to try to remove the wax yourself using cotton buds or other objects. You may scratch the skin of your ear
canal causing irritation and infection or you may perforate your ear drum.
AudioLogic Hearing offer a wax removal service by highly trained Audiologists using microsuction and wax ring tools. The most advanced method for wax removal is microsuction performed under a surgical microscope. It is quick, safe, effective and keeps the ear canals dry unlike ear syringing.
It is preferable that the wax is softened before your appointment.
Click here to make an appointment at AudioLogic Hearing or call O3 9754 4162.